Experimental demonstration of the Euclidean-Pythagorean structure and quadratic metrics in the perceptual manifold of the sense of hearing

Experimental demonstration of the Euclidean-Pythagorean structure and quadratic metrics in the perceptual manifold of the sense of hearing
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Experimental demonstration of the Euclidean-Pythagorean structure and quadratic metrics in the perceptual manifold of the sense of hearing - vuodelta 1961
  • Kunto: K3+ (hyvä +)
  • Sidonta: Vihko
  • Kieli: englanti
  • Painos: 1
  • Sivumäärä: 13
  • Vuosi: 1961
  • Sarja: Annales Academiae scientiarum Fennicae. Series A 5, Medica 84
  • Muuta: hieman kulumaa